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Topological phase transition between the gap and the gapless superconducting states


讲座论坛 期数 萨本栋讲坛之150期
主题 Topological phase transition between the gap and the gapless superconducting states 演讲者 Prof. Andrey Varlamov
时间 2023年11月24日(周五) 14:30 机构 意大利国家研究委员会
地点 物理楼552

Abstract :   It is demonstrated that the quantum phase transition between the gap and gapless  superconducting states in the Abrikosov-Gor'kov theory of superconducting alloy with paramagnetic impurities is of the Lifshitz type, i.e. of the 2 1#2 order. This phase transition has a topological nature and is characterized by the corresponding change of the topological invariant, namely the Euler characteristic. We study the stability of such a transition with respect to the spatial fluctuations of the magnetic impurities critical concentration ?! and show that the requirement for validity of its mean field description is unobtrusive: ∇ ln(?!) ≪ ?"#(here ? is the superconducting coherence length). Finally, we show that, similarly to the Lifshitz point, the 2 1#2 order phase transition should be accompanied by the corresponding singularities, for instance, the superconducting thermoelectric effect has a giant peak exceeding the normal value of the Seebeck coefficient by the ratio of the Fermi energy and the superconducting gap.

主讲人简介:安德烈·瓦尔拉莫夫(Andrey Varlamov)教授是超导理论和凝聚态物理学领域的著名科学家,1980年在阿历克斯·阿布里科索夫(2003年获诺贝尔物理学奖得主)指导下获凝聚态物理学博士学位,1986年获苏联国家青年科学家物理学奖,1990~1999任莫斯科钢铁与合金研究所理论物理系教授;1999年起任意大利国家研究委员会超导、新材料和器件研究所研究主任,罗马大学教授;2009年起任意大利科学院通讯院士;有8本超导理论方面的专著和130余篇科学论文;已有50余篇科普作品发表于《量子》等著名科普刊物,主要由这些科普作品结集成书的《奇妙的物理学》,自1987年面世以来,以6种语言出版了12版,直接影响了世界各国的科普读者。